Enhance Your Wine and Home With Stylish Wine Coolers

Wine coolers are electronic units used to store bottles of wine in ideal conditions to preserve the flavor and aroma of wine for up to a year. All of the variables that maintain wine as its optimal quality can be controlled by a wine cooler such as temperature and humidity levels. The tinted glass also protects the wine from ultraviolet rays. The supports are tilted and designed to keep each bottle of wine in the right position. They come in a variety of sizes, styles and cooling methods with different features and prices.
Sizes and prices
There is a wide range of coolers to choose from. An important consideration will be the size of the wine fridge so that it fits into an appropriate space in your kitchen and holds the number of bottles you need. For most people who only want to store a few bottles at a time, small wine coolers are enough. They will contain 6 to 20 bottles and will cost between $ 100 and $ 400. A medium-sized cooler containing 20 to 40 bottles will cost about $ 300 to $ 700. Larger coolers for the serious wine collector will hold over a hundred bottles and cost $ 1,000 and more. The basic consideration will be the number of bottles of wine you want to have ready to serve at any given time, and whether you also want to age the wine in your cooler.
Larger wine storage coolers tend to be used in distilleries and hotels where a lot of wine is stored to age and also served frequently. These imitate the traditional cellar but allow better control of temperature and humidity. Some of these coolers have three different temperature zones: one for aging wines and storing red wines, one for cooling white wines and the third coolest compartment for cooling sparkling wines. One of these coolers will cost around $ 2,000. They are ideal in hot climates.
Different designs
The coolers come in different shapes and sizes to adapt to the domestic environment. For those who lack a counter and floor space, there is the innovative design of a wall-mounted wine refrigerator that is compact and provides a 6-bottle wine cooler. Having it at eye level also provides easy access. Some people like a counter cooler because they don't occupy floor space and are easy to access, requiring no flexing, while others prefer to have wine coolers under the counter. Many people opt for self-contained wine cellars. The most expensive option is to have an integrated cooler that is flush with the rest of the cabinets.
Custom features
A wine cooler is part of your home furniture and adds to the decor of a room, so manufacturers have produced a variety of styles from which to choose. Wine coolers have different materials and color finishes such as stainless steel, chrome, silver and black polyester. You can choose coolers with solid doors to prevent light, but most people like to show their wine display and therefore glass that has been UV treated is often chosen. Glass is generally reflective or tinted. Modern designs offer electronic touch button controls and digital displays. Many wine refrigerators also have special LED interior lighting to enhance your wine. As a practical feature, many have sliding and adjustable shelves and a reversible hinged door. In addition, to protect your investment, the coolers are also equipped with security locks.
Not only do wine coolers keep your wine looking its best, it complements and also brings an air of sophistication to your home.Wine coolers are becoming an essential device for modern new homes. Phiestina has a wide selection of wine coolers and are specialized in wine fridge solutions for decades.From the 29-bottle wine cooler to the 100-bottle cooler, we've got you covered!